

The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis
Lois Pope LIFE Center Building Room 4-10
Contact: Yan Shi
Phone: (305) 243-8042
Please email questions to: YSHI@med.miami.edu

Opera Phenix Calendar
Use this calendar to book time on the Opera Phenix. Please make sure to input the correct account number.

Assay Development / Screening Consultation Calendar
Use this calendar to book consultation for assay development and screening. Consultations are available during specified hours, with a minimum booking requirement of 30 minutes. Please make sure to input the correct account number.

High Content Screening
High Content Screening

Using a PerkinElmer Opera Phenix Plus high content screening (HCS) system, The HCS core at the University of Miami brings cutting-edge assay development and phenotypic screening technology to researchers in academia and industry.

From 2D to 3D, widefield to confocal, antibody to dye-based, the core works with users to develop the assays and analytical pipelines that best suit their needs.

Some of the core’s current specializations include assays for neurite tracing, lipid droplet quantification, cell viability, morphological and kinetic analyses, phagocytosis, cell marker detection, cell adhesion, and many others.


HCS Core
Click on graphic for full size image.



HCS Technical Consultation Service


$75 per hour for University of Miami users.
$120 per hour for non-UM (external) Academic users.
Provides expertise and know how specific to the successful imaging and analysis of plates for high content analysis. For UM faculty, the initial consultation (30 minutes) is free.

HCS Setup Fee

$90 per hour for University of Miami users.
$135 per hour for non-UM (external) Academic users.

This service charge includes staff and machine time. This service charge is associated with setting up a test plate prior to the first experimental run. The service involves configuring appropriate machine parameters and software settings to optimize image acquisition and generate reliable and relevant output/data.

Batch Run Setup Fee

$80 per hour for University of Miami users.
$120 per hour for non-UM (external) Academic users.

This service charge includes staff and machine time. This service charge is associated with setting up the HCS machine to run a batch of plates. Before running a batch of plates, qualification of the initial plate is conducted to ensure that previously determined settings and parameters are still appropriate for the batch of plates. This ensures the batch run will result in good output.

HSC Instrument Fee

$45 per hour for University of Miami users (min. charge $10).
$70 per hour for non-UM (external) Academic users (min. charge $12.50).

This service charge includes machine time for running the plates. Minimum charge is fifteen (15) minutes. The charge is a function of number of plates and the time it takes to run each plate.

Image Processing and Analysis

$75 per hour for University of Miami users.
$120 per hour for non-UM (external) Academic users.

This service charge is for personnel time involved in processing the large data files generated after running the customers plates. Each plate generates data that is reviewed for quality control purposes.

Assay Development and
Screening Consultation

$60 per hour for University of Miami users.
$92 per hour for non-UM (external) Academic users.

This service provides expertise and know-how for rigorous assay development or successful execution of screening campaigns.



1. When can I expect to get my results back?
Once the run is scheduled, the High Content Screening results will be delivered within a week, although in many cases the results will be available in 24-48 hours.

2. What do I need to provide for High Content Screening?
Please fill out the HCS Image Facility Request Form before you plan your experiment using the High Content Screening facility. The Opera Phenix from Perkin Elmer is capable of scanning 12 well/24well/48well/96 well/384 well/1536 well plates as well as coverslips. We recommend PerkinElmer CellCarrier and Greiner uClear plate for good optical quality. Other types of plates may be allowed but will either limit to imaging at low magnification or might require additional setup time for creating new form factors, at an increased expense. Please consult the facility manager before settling on a plate or coverslip arrangement. Please check staining/fluorescence quality before you bring your plates to the HCS core to insure a successful screening.

3. In what form are the results?
The results of High Content Screening are provided in Excel format. The Perkin Elmer Harmony Software allows the user to access the images to ensure the quality of the samples. We will gladly help the user in interpretation of the results. As an option, we can use Spotfire DecisionSite software to perform analysis the data and provide PDF or PowerPoint file of the results and email them to the user.

Instructions are available for filling out the IDR Form.

4. How do I pay for use of the facility?
Payment for services is processed through Internal Service Delivery in UM Workday. When booking the instrument in the calendar, please ensure you provide the correct account number and primary investigator information. After the screening is complete, we will calculate the total service time and submit the invoice through UM Workday, with the final amount based on the actual time used.

5. Who is eligible to use the facility?
The HCS Core will be open to all interested customers for a wide range of research projects. University users will have priority.

6. Can users from non-academic and industry entities utilize the facility?
Yes.  Contact the Core Director to inquire about the non-academic rates.