


The Darrell Gwynn Quality of Life Chapter was established in 2015, and is led by Director Darrell Gwynn.

As a world champion drag racer in the 1980’s, Gwynn was at the top of his game and chose to donate a portion of his winnings to The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis. Darrell Gwynn and the Darrell Gwynn Quality of Life Chapter He felt so strongly about Marc Buoniconti’s struggle to find a cure for paralysis, and the plight of those suffering from paralyzing spinal cord injuries, that he personally placed the iconic Miami Project wheelchair logo in a prime location on his race car to show his support.

In April 1990, his life changed dramatically after a devastating racing accident which caused his paralysis. Following his accident, he established the Darrell Gwynn Foundation which provided support for people with paralysis and worked to prevent spinal cord injuries through their Wheelchair Donation Program and Education & Prevention Program. In 2015, he felt that it was time to “go home” and the Chapter was established with The Buoniconti Fund. The Chapter and Hall of Fame drag racer Darrell Gwynn continues quality of life initiatives, and assists The Buoniconti Fund in their role to raise funds and awareness to support The Miami Project.

Darrell Gwynn and the Darrell Gwynn Quality of Life Chapter of The Buoniconti Fund has a unique fundraising campaign called Put the Brakes on Paralysis. Darrell has spent most of his adult life caught between the twin poles of a blessing and a curse. In 1990 at the age of 28 he left his arm, racing career and ability to walk against a stretch of cold, unforgiving British retaining wall when a race car he was piloting collided with it at over 250 miles-per-hour. Please support Darrell on his quest to Put the Brakes on Paralysis today.

Learn more about Darrell’s personal story and racing history.

Contact us if you would like to become involved with the Darrell Gwynn Chapter.


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